How The Workshop Will Work
Participants take a series of original and challenging practice tests containing 100 questions each. The practice tests will contain questions exclusively from all the source material on the Reading List announced for the official examination.
Before the first test date, participants will be assigned a User Name and Password by our online testing partner, Tests can be taken any time, on any device, between the date it is posted online and the date of the official test. At that time, tests will be deleted from the website.
Test takers will have a total of three hours to take each test. You can stop at any time and come back later to finish the test, and you can take each test three times. Practice tests administered online cannot be printed, saved or forwarded to different email addresses.
The specific reference in the source material will be provided for each question, enabling test takers to research the questions they answered incorrectly. Tests will cover the relevant material in the reading list that is keyed to the knowledge needed to succeed in the position for which you are studying.
Current and Upcoming Workshops