ALLWRITE-TESTING  will be conducting a Written Test Preparation Workshop for the April 14, 2025 test for Corporal/Detective on the Austin Police Department.

The workshop will consist of five, 100-question practice tests. All tests will be administered online.

All five practice tests will be available to take at any time, 24/7, from the date they are posted until he date of the official test

Following is the Practice Test Posting Schedule:
Test 1:  Tuesday, February 11
Test 2:  Friday, February 21
Test 3:  Friday, March 7
Test 4:  Friday, March 21
Test 5:  Friday, April 4

Click Below to Take A 20-Question Sample Test

APD Sample Test 2025

How The Workshop Will Work:
* You will take five, original, challenging, multiple-choice tests containing 100 questions each.
* The practice tests will contain questions exclusively from all the source material on the Official Reading List announced for this exam.
* You can take each test three times. Each time you take a test, you will have a total of three hours to complete and review the test. You can stop the clock at any time and come back to the test.
* Before the first test is posted, you will be assigned a User Name and Password. You will take the tests, at times of your choosing, on
* The specific reference in the source material will be provided for each question, enabling you to research the questions you answered incorrectly. * Tests will cover the relevant material in the Reading List that is keyed to the knowledge you need to have.
* Practice tests administered online cannot be printed, saved or forwarded to different email addresses or devices. You can take the tests on multiple devices.

Workshop Benefits:
* Get regular feedback on the progress of your studying.
* Identify your weaknesses before the official test.
* Find out what testing experts, who have been writing fire service promotional tests for more than 30 years, think you need to know.
* We have conducted Test Prep Workshops in Los Angeles, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Denver, and other major cities.
We  have held workshops for all of the APD Corporal/Detective tests since 2013.
* After taking our tests, you will read the source material with greater focus and find questions in the material you didn’t see before.
* Earn back the workshop fee when you get your first Corporal or Detective’s paycheck.

 Click Below to Take A 20-Question Sample Test
APD Sample Test 2025

Click on  the button below to register for the workshop

Within 24 hours of your purchase, you will receive an email
from with your user name and password

Feel free to write or call with any questions: or 303-322-6890