Who We Are
For many years, our lead test writer and instructor, Arthur Rosenblum, wrote and validated official entrance and promotional examinations for police and fire departments. He has written tests for almost every position in both professions. He has also conducted hundreds of interviews with working police officers and firefighters to develop tests that are job related and that make sense to the people who take them.
With a masters degree in educational psychology and more than 30 years of testing experience, Rosenblum has a firm knowledge of both the theoretical and practical aspects of personnel testing. Over the years, Rosenblum has learned that candidates for promotional examinations can improve their performance on written tests if they get feedback on the progress of their studying, if they improve the focus of their studying and if they practice the test-taking process. To help qualified candidates perform up to their potential, Rosenblum began training police officers and firefighters in the art of taking tests.
Based in Denver, Colorado, Allwrite-Testing has been writing police and fire service tests and conducting test preparation workshops since the mid 1980s. With broad experience and knowledge of testing practices, we customize our tests and workshops to meet the unique conditions of each jurisdiction.